Category: API

  • Security issues with the WordPress REST API and how to protect against them

    There are several security issues that have been identified with the WordPress REST API. These include: It is important to keep your WordPress installation and plugins updated, and to use proper authentication and access controls to limit access to the REST API and other sensitive parts of your website. Additionally, use security plugin to scan…

  • Unlocking the Power of the WordPress REST API

    WordPress, the popular content management system, has long been known for its ease of use and flexibility. However, with the introduction of the WordPress REST API, developers can now take their WordPress sites to the next level. The WordPress REST API allows data to be accessed from outside the WordPress environment through an HTTP API.…

  • Build a REST API with TYPO3

    Unfortunately TYPO3 doesn’t have a battle hardened ready to go REST API. Fortunately however this article will save you a load of time with a simple step by step guide to transform your TYPO3 application into an all singing and dancing REST API. Why a REST API for TYPO3? It’s worth considering why we would…